Editing previous response:
Assistance in completing this application is available through the administration Office at the Dishchii'Bikoh Community School. If your response a question is "NOT APPLICABLE" write "N/A." When entring dates please use the format DD/MM/YYYY or MM/YYYY. Do not leave any space blank. Incomplete applications or failure to supply any additinoal information that is being requested may affect your chances for employment.
Section A: Position Applying For
Section B: Applicant Information
Section C: Education and Traning (list most recent first)
College or Trade School (1)
College or Trade School (2)
High School
Section D: Employment History (List most recent first)
Most Recent Employment (1)
Employment (2)
Employment (3)
Employment (4)
Section E: References (Please list three references who are not related to you)
Reference (1)
Reference (2)
Reference (3)
Section F: Additional Information
Section G: Statement of Certificate -- Applicant Signature
By signing this application electronically (type full name in the space below), I certify under penaly of law that the information provided anywhere in this application is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also acknowledge that should an investigation at any time disclose any misrepresentation or falsification, my application may be rejected, my name may be removed from further consideration, and I may be disqualified from future examinations and/or terminated from employment. I so authorize the Cibecue Community Education Board, Inc., or its agents, to make all necessary or appropriate investigations to verify the information provided.